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Discussion National Debt

Discussion National Debt

Q National Debt Discussion National Debt Objective: Students, after reading about The National Debt in the textbook, on the Internet and in newspapers, will write a one to two-page paper discussing whether the current federal spending is sustainable in the long-term. Steps: Do a brief summary outlining the current national debt amount and how we go to this point. Argue for or against the ability of the federal government to continue spending more than it takes in. Write a two-page paper, which shall include the following: ? Are you in favor or opposed to the current spending trajectory? Why? ? Defend your position with factual information. Cite at least 3 sources. Your paper will not be graded without sources. ? Which groups and/or political parties support your position? Which groups and/or parties oppose your position? ? Describe a personal experience that either you, someone you know, or someone you have read about had with the issue. Make sure this experience supports your position. No names necessary. I recommend that you write your paper on a word processor before bringing into CANVAS because you will be graded on grammar, spelling and content. Here is the textbook Note we are on Chapter 16 which is on page 532

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In February 2019, the US national debt reached a new high of $22 trillion. This is greater than the United States' average economic growth, as calculated by GDP. Previously, the debt-to-GDP ratio was this high was following the recession of 2007-2009. But, prior to this was when the country had to pay for World War II in 1946. When a nation is in risk of defaulting on its